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Build SEO Friendly Website With Drupal CMS

· Drupal development,seo website

Doesn’t matter if you have created an aesthetically pleasing website, if it is not optimized for search engines, it is unlikely to make any difference than having no website. The same works with Drupal websites. Well, you can choose to hire professional Drupal web development services to build a remarkable website (let’s say on Drupal 8), but if it is SEO friendly, there is no point in investing so much money on the design and development part.

In case you don’t know, having a website that actually ranks on search engines is very important in order to reach out to your customers far and wide. So, if you want to ensure that there should not be any geographical barrier for your business, it is important to invest in SEO. Hence, here we have created a list of some top SEO tactics that you must be aware of to promote your Drupal 8 website.

Build SEO Friendly Website With Drupal CMS

Content is one of the most important factors that define your search engine rankings. It is important to ensure that you have quality and informative content on your website. Even Google favors sites that have quality content. The next important factor is site speed.

Obviously, gone are the days when users had the patience to wait for minutes for a website to load. But with so many advancements in the technology, users no longer prefer to wait for a website that is taking more than 3 seconds to load. So, make sure the Drupal web development service provider optimizes all the elements of your effect that affect the load time.

Along with that, having a mobile-responsive website is also important for SEO. And this can be ascertained by the fact that 62% of internet users prefer to browse through their mobile devices. Besides, backlinks are also important in order to achieve better website ranking. They are basically provided by other websites that direct visitors or readers to your website. Hence, make sure to have a good backlinks strategy. In addition to that, there are also several Drupal 8 SEO modules that will help you to improve the rankings of your website. Sitemap, Metatag, Pathauto, Google Analytics, Easy Breadcrumb, and SEO Checklist are some important Drupal 8 SEO modules.

With that being said, you now have all the tactics on how you can look to improve the search engine rankings of your Drupal website. You can also consider Auxesis Infotech. We are a leading Drupal web development company and a digital agency that also have its expertise in SEO along with web design and development. You can connect with us to get the best SEO services for your website.